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Warpometer - STAR TREK speedometer

Warpometer lets you pretend that you are in a starship by showing you what your warp factor is.
The app uses your GPS receiver to obtain your speed:
* 1-9 mph = Impulse Power
* 10-19 mph = Warp 1
* 20-29 mph = Warp 2
* etc.
App Features:
* Fun sound effects & visuals
* Voice clips that notify you of your warp speed
* Display of your warp speed on a connected Bluetooth device
* Replaceable sound clips
* Background audio


What is Warpometer?

Warpometer is the speedometer for STAR TREK fans.
It lets you pretend that you are in a starship by showing you what your warp factor is.

The app uses the GPS receiver in your phone/tablet to obtain your speed and display it in a fun way:
  • 1-9 mph = Impulse Power
  • 10-19 mph = Warp 1
  • 20-29 mph = Warp 2
  • etc.

App Features:
  • Fun sound effects & visuals
  • Voice clips that notify you of your warp speed
  • Display of your warp speed on a connected Bluetooth device (Android 5.0+ required)
  • Replaceable sound clips (use your own!) 
  • Background audio - listen to your warp speed while using your favorite mapping app
  • Other fun surprises

Have some fun during your daily travels with Warpometer!

How do you pronounce "Warpometer"?

/warpˈɑm·ɪ·t̬ər/ Rhymes with speedometer.

What devices does Warpometer run on?

Warpometer runs on all phones and tablets running Android version 4.1 or higher. In order to display your warp speed on a connected Bluetooth device, Android 5.0 or higher is required.

Are additional themes available?

We are working on creating those. Follow this blog or Facebook or Twitter to be the first to know when they are released.

How can I suggest a theme?

We love suggestions! Please leave us feedback with your idea.

Who created Warpometer?

Warpometer was created by ELNEL Consulting.

Can you customize the sounds? How do I use the Custom theme?

Yes, you can customize the sound clips used in Warpometer!

You will need some geek skills and a collection of audio files. Here are the steps:
  • In the app, tap on Settings and then Theme
  • Make sure you have selected "Custom" as your theme choice
  • Click on the "Show Media Clips Folder" to see the folder that contains the files that you need to update
  • Replace one or more of the files with sound clips that you would like (the format must be OGG)
  • Here is the list of sound files and what they are used for:
    Effect About.ogg Sound effect played when About menu item is chosen
    Effect Action Bar Hide.ogg Sound effect played when action bar is hidden
    Effect Action Bar Show.ogg Sound effect played when action bar is shown
    Effect Bridge Background.ogg Looping bridge sound effect - played if power is on
    Effect FAQ.ogg Sound effect played when FAQ menu item is chosen
    Effect Feedback.ogg Sound effect played when Feedback menu item is chosen
    Effect Impulse Engines.ogg Looping engines sound effect - played if moving between 1 and 9 MPH
    Effect Menu Show.ogg Sound effect played when menu is shown
    Effect Power Click.ogg Sound effect played when Power button is clicked
    Effect Red Alert.ogg Looping red alert sound effect - played if moving at least 70 MPH
    Effect Scanning.ogg Looping scanning sound effect - played if searching for GPS signal
    Effect Settings.ogg Sound effect played when Settings menu item is chosen
    Effect Share.ogg Sound effect played when Share dialog is shown
    Effect Warp Engines.ogg Looping engines sound effect - played if moving at least 10 MPH
    Full Stop - Continued.ogg Voice clip played when no movement is detected for an extended period of time
    Full Stop.ogg Voice clip played when no movement is initially detected
    Hidden1.ogg Voice clip played when ... oh wait, this is a secret
    Impulse Power - Continued.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 1 and 9 MPH is detected for an extended period of time
    Impulse Power.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 1 and 9 MPH is initially detected
    Power Off.ogg Sound clip played when Warpometer is powering off via the Power button
    Power On.ogg Sound clip played when Warpometer is powering on
    Sensor Scan Active.ogg Voice clip played when searching for a GPS signal
    Sensors Offline.ogg Voice clip played when GPS receiver is not enabled
    Warp - Continued.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 10 and 69 MPH is detected for an extended period of time
    Warp 1.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 10 and 19 MPH is initially detected
    Warp 2.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 20 and 29 MPH is initially detected
    Warp 3.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 30 and 39 MPH is initially detected
    Warp 4.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 40 and 49 MPH is initially detected
    Warp 5.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 50 and 59 MPH is initially detected
    Warp 6.ogg Voice clip played when movement between 60 and 69 MPH is initially detected
    Warp Limit Warning - Continued.ogg Voice clip played when movement of at least 70 MPH is detected for an extended period of time
    Warp Limit Warning.ogg Voice clip played when movement of at least 70 MPH is initially detected

Is Warpometer available for iOS devices?

Warpometer is not yet available for iOS devices, but we have considered the possibility. Please tell us if you're interested in Warpometer for iOS.